
How Coaching Assessments Build Trust (and Results)

Today we’re explaining client assessment strategies with CoachRx.

"Assessment offers you the truth." – These words from OPEX Founder James FitzGerald cut to the heart of why proper client assessment matters. Without it, we're just guessing – and guessing isn't what professional coaches do.

Think about it: How can we create truly personalized programs if we don't have a complete picture of where our clients are starting from? This week's 10 Minute Tip explores how CoachRx brings structure and clarity to your assessment process, helping you move from guesswork to confident, data-driven programming.

Now you can use any assessment practice you want, we strongly encourage use of The OPEX assessment system goes beyond simple movement screens and body composition tests. It's a comprehensive approach that helps you identify strengths and weaknesses across the board, set attainable fitness goals, and monitor your clients' progress over time. Through three key components:

  • OPEX Body: Understanding their composition metrics and health biomarkers

  • OPEX Move: Evaluating the six foundational movement patterns that represent the building blocks of fitness

  • OPEX Work: Measuring work capacity and sustainability to inform energy system development

The beauty of CoachRx is that it transforms assessment insights into actionable priorities for your programming. Because let's be honest – data without application is just numbers on a screen.

In this week's video (just under 6 minutes!), you'll discover:

  1. How to navigate and input assessment data systematically

  2. What each component measures and why it matters for program design

  3. How to translate assessment results into personalized training priorities

  4. Tips for communicating findings to your clients and setting realistic timelines

Remember, our job isn't to guess what might work – it's to know exactly where to start and how to progress our clients. This systematic approach gives you both the knowledge and the confidence to design programs that truly meet your clients where they are.

🕒 Timestamps:

0:00 Intro

0:25 Why lifestyle matters in programming

1:00 Basic lifestyle guidelines (BLGs) overview

2:30 Using Coach RX for lifestyle tracking

4:00 Creating habit trackers for clients

5:10 Example: Daily movement plan

6:00 Example: Improving sleep habits

7:00 Hydration tracking and progressions

8:30 Creating sustainable habits

9:30 Using data for better client results

11:00 Conclusion

Learn more about how you can coach better with CoahcRx here.


The Key to Smarter Fitness Plans: Aligning Lifestyle & Training Goal


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