How to Make Fitness Coaching or Personal Training a Career

Building a coaching career that lasts involves more than just a passion for fitness; it requires a strategic approach to developing essential skills, creating a robust business plan, and consistently delivering value to your clients.

In a recent YouTube video, Carl Hardwick and Kandace Dickson share insights on how to make fitness coaching your profession. Here, we break down their key points to help you navigate the complexities of the fitness industry and turn your passion into a thriving career.

Defining Your Success in Coaching

The first step in making fitness coaching a career is to define what success looks like for you. Kandace emphasizes the importance of getting as specific as possible:

  1. Identify Your Niche:

    • Who are you working with?

    • What problems are you solving for them?

    • What is your specialization? Strength training, weight loss, functional fitness, etc.?

  2. Service Delivery:

    • Are your services offered in-person or online?

    • Do you offer support in a 1:1 setting, in groups, or a combination of both?

  3. Product Offering:

    • Are you creating and selling templated programs in addition to you coaching services?

    • Are you monetizing in some way, e.g. a course or membership site?

By answering these questions, you can create a clear vision of your coaching business and develop a targeted approach to meet your clients' needs.

Evaluating and Enhancing Your Skills

Understanding your strengths and weaknesses is crucial for growth. Kandace suggests evaluating your current skill set and identifying gaps in knowledge or ability. Here’s how you can address these gaps:

  1. Seek Education and Mentorship:

    • Invest in courses and certifications to build your knowledge base.

    • Find a mentor who can provide guidance and accelerate your learning process.

  2. Hands-on Experience:

    • Start by treating yourself as your first client. Coach yourself to the results you want to deliver.

    • Document your journey to enhance your skills and grow your personal brand.

    • Identify coaches to shadow or a business to intern with

  3. Real-world Coaching:

    • Gain hands-on experience by coaching clients in person for 12-24 months. This will refine your skills, build confidence, and provide valuable insights into client needs and dynamics.

Building and Validating Your Business Model

Creating a sustainable business model is essential for long-term success. Kandace and Carl outline the steps to build and validate your business model:

  1. Develop a Proof of Concept:

    • Validate your coaching approach with a founding group of clients. Iterate and refine your process based on their feedback.

  2. Crafting a Business Plan:

    • Define your services, conduct market analysis, and create financial plans. This plan should include growth strategies and be crafted with guidance from a mentor.

  3. Execution and Iteration:

    • Transition from planning to doing. Execute your business plan with discipline and be prepared to refine your systems constantly.

Key Characteristics of a Successful Coach

According to Carl, embodying the characteristics of a great coach is the foundation of a successful career. These characteristics include:

  1. Values and Beliefs:

    • Clarity in personal values and beliefs

    • Align coaching practices with these core principles for genuine coaching.

  2. Humility:

    • Openness to learning, receiving feedback, and improvement.

    • Humility fosters a growth mindset, both in the coach and the client.

  3. Love for People:

    • Committing to clients' well-being with no expectation of return.

  4. Personability:

    • Ability to connect and build strong relationships: Understanding clients' goals and aligning them with fitness.

    • Personalizing strategies to individual lifestyles and preferences.

  5. Competence:

    • Knowledge and expertise: A non-negotiable trait for effective coaching.

    • Continuous pursuit of learning: Staying competent to move clients forward effectively.

Taking the First Step

Building a successful coaching career requires commitment, discipline, and a strategic approach. Here’s a recap of the roadmap to success:

  1. Embrace Coach Characteristics:

    • Develop and refine the essential traits of a successful coach.

  2. Gain Experience:

    • Hands-on coaching experience is invaluable for skill development and understanding client dynamics.

  3. Seek Mentorship:

    • Find mentors to guide your journey and provide valuable insights.

  4. Craft a Business Plan:

    • Develop a clear, well-thought-out business plan to guide your business growth.

  5. Execute with Commitment:

    • Transition from planning to action and maintain discipline in your daily practice.

With these steps, you can turn your passion for fitness into a thriving coaching career. Embrace the journey, and take the first step towards making fitness coaching your profession.


Achieving success in the fitness industry requires a blend of passion, strategic planning, and continuous learning. By following the advice from Carl and Kandace, you can navigate the complexities of the industry, build meaningful relationships with your clients, and create a sustainable and fulfilling career in fitness coaching. Start today, and transform your passion into a profession that makes a difference.

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