RxBot Use Case: Left Knee Injury

This program was designed using RxBot your AI Coaching Assistant inside CoachRx. Learn more about RxBot here.

At CoachRx, we’re committed to helping you coach better. Our latest innovation, RxBot, is poised to redefine how you design programs—combining the power of AI with the proven OPEX coaching principles. Built with client data and coach input at its core, RxBot is your gateway to a personalized, efficient, and game-changing coaching experience.

Check out this client use case one of our coaches leveraged RxBot to design.

Program Summary: 

The following program is designed specifically for the client with the intention to build strength while accommodating a knee injury by avoiding full ROM squat variations, and to improve aerobic base with low impact exercises. The program includes both resistance and energy system training in a weekly structure. The client will train on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. The program is based on OPEX principles and the provided short-term plan, ensuring balanced yet challenging workouts tailored to the client's capabilities and priorities such as upper body mobility and isometric core exercises.

Coach Inputs: 

  • Modify strength training to accommodate a knee injury, avoiding full ROM squat variations. -Squatting to a target is allowed

  • improve aerobic base, and modify energy system work to be low impact due to knee injury. 

  • Perform energy system training only on the following days: tuesdays and saturdays.


  • Training Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday

  • 4 week program beginning July 22, 2024

  • Targeting build strength, modify strength training to accommodate a knee injury, avoiding full rom squat variations. Squatting to a target is allowed., improve aerobic base, and modify energy system work to be low impact due to knee injury. perform energy system training only on the following days: tuesdays and saturdays.

Initial RxBot Program Design 

Initial RxBot Program Design Continued

Initial RxBot Program Design Continued

Coach Question and RxBot Answer

Calendar View

RxBot Design Applied to Client Calendar

Coach Adjustments

RxBot provided a solid full-body exercise plan while accommodating the client’s knee injury. Here are the specific adjustments made:

  • Removed duplicated exercises.

  • Switched box squat to a landmine goblet squat to a box.

  • Switched side plank to cable oblique rotations.

Why Use RxBot?

  • Enhance Personalization: Tailor programs precisely to your clients’ needs, accommodating injuries and fitness goals with ease.

  • Save Time: Dramatically reduce the time spent on supporting design tasks like reviewing client data and workout history or communicating key design intentions.

  • Focus on Growth: Free up more time for client interaction and business development, allowing you to focus on what matters most.

Experience the Power of RxBot

Transform your coaching with RxBot and see how this innovative tool can enhance your program design process, save you time, and help you grow your business.

Your AI Coaching Assistant —

Designed to transform the way you design programs and interact with clients, combines the efficiency of technology with the intuition of the coach, offering a coaching experience that's both highly personalized and incredibly efficient.

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