Pro Tip: Build a Periodization System That Delivers Predictable Results

Random workouts produce random results. But a structured approach to periodization transforms how your clients progress and how effectively you use your programming time. Today, I want to share how to create a comprehensive periodization system that brings clarity and purpose to your program design.

What It Is: 

A hierarchical planning and prioritization system in CoachRx that allows you to design and visualize training programs from the macro to micro level - connecting year-long plans to daily workouts through strategic training cycles.

How to Use It:

Step 1: Create Long-Term Plans

  • Navigate to client calendar > Planning and Prioritization

  • Set 6-12 month timeframe (must start Monday, end Sunday)

  • Review client priorities from assessments

  • Create comprehensive notes about annual goals

  • Set clear vision for overall progress

Step 2: Design Short-Term Cycles

  • Create 4-8 week blocks within long-term plan

  • Select appropriate phase (accumulation, intensification, etc.)

  • Define training focus (e.g., 3 full-body resistance + 2 aerobic days)

  • Set specific training parameters: 

    • Training type (Gain, Pain, Sustain) 

    • Energy system focus (MAP levels) 

    • Training frequency

  • Include detailed cycle notes

Step 3: Implement Daily Plans

  • Set client training schedule (mark all days available for flexibility)

  • Assign movement patterns to each training day

  • Create consistent training splits

  • Strategically vary movement patterns

  • Balance work and recovery

Step 4: Monitor and Adjust

  • Use weekly check-ins to assess client response

  • Watch for recovery trends

  • Make data-driven adjustments

  • Maintain big-picture perspective while fine-tuning details

Why It Matters:

This system transforms your coaching by:

  • Creating predictable, sustainable results

  • Preventing plateaus through strategic progression

  • Building client understanding of the training process

  • Saving programming time through strategic planning

  • Preventing common mistakes (jumping phases, ignoring deloads)

  • Providing clarity and purpose to daily workouts

  • Creating professional, results-driven coaching systems

This week, I challenge you to take 30 minutes to map out the next 3-6 months for just one client. I think you'll be surprised at how much clarity and purpose it brings to your daily programming!

Need help setting up your consultation system?

Book a 1:1 call with our team and we'll help you create a process that converts and retains clients.

Want to dive deeper?

Watch this week's 10 Minute Tips video for a detailed walkthrough of these features in action.

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Pro Tip: Develop Remote Coaching Excellence Through Technology


Pro Tip: Build a Progressive Warm-up Library (And Save Hours of Programming Time)