As a fitness coach, transitioning to the realm of remote coaching brings promises of flexibility and global reach. However, the path to success in this arena is not without its challenges. Balancing the acquisition of new clients with delivering impeccable service to existing ones requires a balance of skills. To flourish, you must have a solid foundation in program design principles right from the start.
Without a structured approach, you risk expending unnecessary time on each program, leading to subpar results and client dissatisfaction. This can hinder client retention, leaving you in a constant cycle of attracting new clients, all while neglecting the very essence of coaching that you love.
Embracing the systematic strategies and program design principles outlined in this article will not only provide your clients with the premium programs they deserve but also yield results that match their aspirations. Integrating these seven steps into your program design process will enable you to train clients online efficiently and grow a successful online personal training business. 

How to Train Clients Online in Seven Steps 

Before diving into these seven steps, we recommend starting a free trial of CoachRx, the best online personal trainer software that seamlessly aligns with these strategies. CoachRx empowers you with a professional tool to guide your clients' fitness journeys regardless of their geographical location.

Step 1: Utilize a Client Intake Form

The initial step toward program design success involves sending and reviewing a comprehensive intake form for every new client. This form serves as the foundation upon which to build tailored programs.
This intake form offers crucial insights into your client's exercise history, current behaviors, and essential health information. Sending the intake form before the first assessment and consultation aids in better understanding your client's background and behavior patterns, facilitating a more informed and effective coaching process.

Pro Tip:

CoachRx users can find a default intake form in the Index, but you can also personalize this intake form to work for your coaching practice. New clients will be sent an intake form to complete when you add them to your account. 

Step 2: Initiate the Initial Consultation

Conducting an initial consultation is paramount to understanding your clients on a deeper level. It serves as a platform for gathering essential background information, establishing goals, and setting the stage for a productive coach-client relationship.
The consultation, often carried out through video conferencing platforms like Zoom, provides insights into your client's values, beliefs, and aspirations. It's not just an opportunity to gather information; it's a chance to make a lasting first impression and lay the foundation for a successful online training journey.

Pro Tip:

You can add a link for your client to schedule ongoing monthly consultations in their CoachRx account, visible from the client app. Do this in your account settings. 
Keeping detailed notes on the initial consultation is a must. Relying on memory alone is a recipe for forgetting important client information and breaking their trust. This will only get more challenging as you grow your client roster. You can keep initial and monthly consultation notes for each client in CoachRx by clicking the consultations icon in the sidebar. 

Step 3: Perform a Thorough Assessment

Before formulating a fitness program, conduct a thorough assessment to gauge your client's baseline capabilities. One method is the OPEX Body, Move, and Work Assessment, which evaluates body composition, movement limitations, and work capacity. Learn more about the full assessment in this free guide. 
The assessment provides essential data that informs exercise selection, and program progression, and sets the stage for a personalized fitness journey.

Pro Tip:

Conducting an assessment is only beneficial if you track the data collected. Keep a record of your client’s Body, Move, and Work scores inside of CoachRx to help you monitor their progress from day one. 
The process of assessment doesn’t end after the initial intake. You should continue to assess the client’s progress over time using ongoing assessments. These tests look at data such as structural balance and energy systems, giving you insight into the client’s shifting priorities and progress.
A few tests we like to use over time:

Pro Tip:

As well as leveraging our system of ongoing assessments and automated structural balance insights, you can add your own tests in CoachRx to ensure you’re capturing the most important data for your client’s training goals. 

Step 4: Define Client Priorities

Based on the assessment, define clear priorities for your client's fitness program. These priorities dictate the focus and structure of the program, ensuring that it aligns with their capabilities and goals.
Whether it's enhancing sleep quality, improving specific movement patterns, or achieving body composition goals, clearly defining priorities empowers you to tailor the program's content effectively.
Take an in-depth look at defining priorities in this program design pro tip

Step 5: Create a Comprehensive Plan

With defined priorities, proceed to craft a comprehensive plan that guides your client toward their goals. This plan encompasses training frequency, nutrition, equipment requirements, and lifestyle considerations.
A well-structured plan takes into account your client's goals, assessment results, training schedule, and identified priorities, ensuring a holistic approach to their fitness journey.

Pro Tip:

Ensure you update your client’s training schedule and have them complete their equipment list so you have all the information you need to execute the plan. 

Step 6: Implement Periodization

Periodization involves laying out a long-term training plan that aligns with your client's goals and abilities. By segmenting training cycles into distinct phases—such as Accumulation, Intensification, and Deload—you provide structure and purpose to your program.
Periodization eliminates guesswork, streamlines your program design, and facilitates consistent progress tracking, promoting a more effective and goal-oriented coaching experience.

Pro Tip:

Utilize the Planning & Periodization feature in CoachRx to build long-term plans, plan training phases, and build a weekly split. Read this article for a deeper dive into periodization. 

Step 7: Embrace Proven Principles

While this guide offers an overview of program design principles, a comprehensive exploration of these principles requires more in-depth study. To refine your program design skills, consider enrolling in the OPEX Coaching Certificate Program (CCP). Through CCP, you'll master a systematic approach to program design that encompasses resistance training, skill progression, and energy system development. This course empowers you with the tools to craft personalized, efficient, and results-driven fitness programs. Learn more and apply here. 
That said, here are our top three program design tips for how to train clients online.

Tip One:

It is best practice to design 7 days at a time and on the same day per week for each client, for your productivity, and for consistency. This allows you to review the previous week’s design and give feedback in a timely manner, adjust any progressions that did not go according to plan, and create consistency in your coaching practice. 

Tip Two:

Take the time to write a training split for each client at the beginning of every new cycle, so that you have a skeleton guiding you and you aren’t guessing when it comes to writing their weekly program design.
For example:

Monday - Squat, Pull (h), bend, push (v), lunge, core

Tuesday - MAP 8 (cyclical)

Wednesday - Bend, Push (h), lunge, pull (v), squat, core

Thursday - Active Recovery

Friday - Lunge, Pull (v), squat, push, bend, core

Saturday - MAP 8 (cyclical)

Sunday - Rest

Tip Three:

It is essential to be clear and detailed in your workout descriptions so that your client understands the intent and exactly how to execute every exercise, especially when you’re not in person during their workout.
For example, if your client is starting with back squats, write the exercise as follows:

Back Squat (with example video linked from the exercise index)


6-8 reps x 4 sets

Rest 2 minutes

  • Focus on sitting hips back and big toes pressed into ground

  • Please film last set from side

Want more program design pro tips? Explore our pro tip article series here. 

Elevate Your Online Coaching with CoachRx

Achieving success as an online coach hinges on meticulous program design and effective client communication. CoachRx, the ultimate online coaching software, complements your program design principles and enhances client engagement.
With features designed to facilitate communication, deliver programs, and track progress, CoachRx streamlines your coaching process, ensuring consistency, efficiency, and client satisfaction.
Experience the transformative power of CoachRx's coaching software. Elevate your coaching capabilities, streamline program design, and cultivate lasting client relationships. Start your free 14-day trial and empower your online fitness coaching business with CoachRx's comprehensive platform.

