Pro Tip: Top CoachRx Features Every Fitness Pro Should Know

Ever wish you had a secret weapon to supercharge your coaching? Good news: you do! It's CoachRx, and today we're diving into the features that'll transform you from coach to pro.

Why These Features Matter

Imagine cutting your admin time in half, delivering more personalized programs, and watching your client retention soar. That's the power of mastering CoachRx. Let's unlock your coaching superpowers!

Program Design Pro Tip: Top CoachRx Features Every Fitness Pro Should Know

Imagine cutting your admin time in half, delivering more personalized programs, and watching your client retention soar. That's the power of mastering CoachRx. Let's unlock your coaching superpowers!

Top CoachRx Features Every Fitness Pro Should Know

1. Program Design Calendars

What it does: Create custom fitness, lifestyle, and nutrition plans effortlessly.

Why you'll love it: Say goodbye to spreadsheet nightmares. Design beautiful, effective programs in minutes, not hours.

2. RxBot – Your AI Coaching Assistant

What it does: Provides intelligent recommendations based on client data.

Why you'll love it: It's like having a genius intern who works 24/7. Let RxBot handle the heavy lifting while you focus on what matters – your clients.

3. Planning and Periodization Tools

What it does: Streamlines long-term program design and adaptation.

Why you'll love it: Create Olympic-level periodization without the Olympic-level effort. Your programs will be more strategic and effective than ever.

4. Assessment Tools

What it does: Gathers data and tracks client progress comprehensively.

Why you'll love it: Make data-driven decisions that wow your clients. Watch their jaws drop as you pinpoint exactly what they need to succeed.

5. All-in-One Mobile App

What it does: Manages programs, tracks progress, and enables real-time communication on-the-go.

Why you'll love it: Coach from anywhere – the gym, the beach, or your couch. Your entire coaching business fits in your pocket.

6. Business Suite

What it does: Handles invoices, tracks financial progress, and streamlines client communication.

Why you'll love it: Spend less time on paperwork and more time growing your business. It's like having a personal assistant for the boring stuff.

Getting Started: Your Action Plan

  1. This Week: Explore the Program Design Calendars. Create one template that reflects your coaching style.

  2. Next Week: Set up RxBot for one client. Watch how it enhances your program design.

  3. Ongoing: Each week, master one new feature. By this time next month, you'll be a CoachRx pro!

Remember, CoachRx isn't just a tool – it's your partner in building a thriving coaching business. Every feature is designed to make you more efficient, effective, and exceptional.

Start your free trial of CoachRx


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