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Pro Tip: Boost Client Engagement with These CoachRx Tips

Ever feel like you're shouting into the void when communicating with clients? Let's turn that one-way street into a bustling two-way avenue of engagement!

Why This Matters

Engaged clients = better results, higher retention, and a thriving business. But here's the kicker: engagement doesn't happen by accident. It's cultivated through consistent, personalized interaction. And guess what? CoachRx has the perfect tools to make this a breeze.

Two Game-Changing Features to Boost Client Engagement

1. Weekly Check-Ins

What it does: Keeps clients accountable and gives you regular insights into their progress and challenges.

How to set it up:

  1. Navigate to the Index tab

  2. Create your weekly check-in template (or use the pre-populated default)

  3. Go to the Consultation tab on the left sidebar of the client calendar

  4. Select 'Weekly'

  5. Choose your check-in form

  6. Set the send day

  7. Hit Save

Pro tip: Customize your check-in questions based on each client's goals. A weight loss client might need different questions than a strength-focused athlete.

2. Loom Video Messages

What it does: Adds a personal, face-to-face touch to your communications, making clients feel valued and understood.

How to use it:

  1. Locate the completed Check-in from your dashboard or notifications

  2. Click the camera icon in the comments section

  3. Record your personalized Loom video

  4. Hit save and embed video

Pro tip: Keep videos short (2-3 minutes max) but packed with value. Address their check-in responses, celebrate wins, and offer quick tips for overcoming challenges.

Your 7-Day Client Engagement Challenge

Ready to supercharge your client relationships? Here's your game plan:

  1. Day 1-2: Set up weekly check-ins for all your clients.

  2. Day 3-4: Record your first Loom video for each client, introducing this new communication method.

  3. Day 5-6: Review incoming check-ins and respond with personalized Loom videos.

  4. Day 7: Reflect on the process. What worked well? What could be improved?

The Magic of Personal Touch

Imagine this: Your client Sarah opens her phone to find a video message from you. There you are, smiling, congratulating her on crushing her workouts this week, and offering a quick tip to help with the nutrition challenge she mentioned. In just 2 minutes, you've:

  • Made her feel seen and valued

  • Addressed her specific concerns

  • Reinforced her progress

  • Motivated her for the week ahead

That's the power of personalized engagement through CoachRx.

Ready to transform your client relationships?

Start your free trial of CoachRx