PRO TIP: Picture-Perfect Nutrition Accountability

Tracking macros can be a daunting task for a lot of clients. Most people do not want to deal with weighing their food and counting every calorie that goes into their bodies.

Program Design Pro Tip:

Picture-Perfect Nutrition Accountability

Here's how it works:

Create the Plan:

On your client calendar, you can create a lifestyle prescription by clicking the 🥦 icon in the left navigation bar. From there, you will set the start date and number of weeks of the prescription. Then, you create the prescription, success measures and notification times. In this case, it might look something like this-

In this example, we asked the client to upload photos of each meal as well as answer 2 simple questions for each meal upload to give the coach a bit more insight into how that meal impacted the client’s energy levels. In turn, this will also increase the client’s awareness of how the foods they eat affect energy levels throughout the day…win win!

Set Clear Expectations.

Communicate with your clients about the importance of photo uploads for each meal. Explain how this visual diary will help both of you in making informed decisions about their nutrition plan

Client Photo Uploads For Meals.

Encourage clients to upload a photo of each meal at the end of their day. This can be done conveniently through the CoachRx app, providing a visual record of what they are eating and in what portions.

Offer Feedback & Adjustments.

As a coach, you can review these photos to assess meal choices, portion sizes, and overall dietary habits. This allows you to give specific feedback and make healthy adjustments to their diet plan.

Foster Accountability, Engagement, & Refinement.

The act of photographing meals increases client awareness and accountability. It's a practical and engaging way for clients to stay committed to their nutrition goals. This also allows you to make impactful changes in the nutrition plan.

Start using CoachRx today to make nutrition accountability more interactive and insightful. This feature not only adds an element of fun but also deepens the coach-client relationship through active engagement.

Ready to Elevate Your Coaching?

Leverage the Lifestyle Rx and you’ll not only streamline macro tracking and nutrition compliance but improve client behaviors and results with this hassle-free way to manage your clients' macro goals.

Start your free trial of CoachRx and upgrade your programming flow with this tip today!


PRO TIP: Picture-Systematize Client Accountability


PRO TIP: Lifestyle Rx for Macro Coaching