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Pro Tip: How to Share Video Messages & Screen Share

Enhance Your Coaching with Video Messaging

Program Design Pro Tip: How to Share Video Messages & Screen Share

In the evolving landscape of fitness coaching, clear and impactful communication with your clients isn't just beneficial—it's essential. That's why we're excited to highlight a game-changing feature within CoachRx: the Loom Integration.

Why Video Communication?

Effective communication is pivotal for advancing your clients' progress and ensuring their comprehension of program execution. Utilizing video can dramatically enhance the clarity and personal touch of your coaching feedback, making complex instructions more accessible and engaging.

Leverage The CoachRx Loom Integration

Being an exceptional remote (or in-person) coach, retaining clients goes beyond mere sets and reps—any generic template can provide that. The cornerstone of success in online coaching lies in consistent communication. The Loom integration within CoachRx not only makes communication easier, it also adds value and professionalism into your coaching practice.  

By utilizing Loom, you now have the capability to do things like send a client a quick video message, provide context about a prescription you have given them, or screen share a movement breakdown.  CoachRx’s loom integration can help you level up your coaching game by: 

  • Streamline Feedback: Ditch the traditional text comments and elevate your feedback game with personalized video messages. Whether it's exercise tips or nutritional insights, a video speaks volumes and adds a personal touch that resonates with your clients.

  • Effortless Communication: Say goodbye to long, cumbersome texts. With Loom, you can effortlessly record quick videos on-the-go, saving you time and energy. No more typing out lengthy explanations – just hit record and send.

Steps to Use:

  1. Ensure you are using a supported browser: Loom is available for up-to-date Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Brave browsers.

  2. Locate the camera icon: this where you are able to add a LOOM video. Loom integration is available in coaches notes, workout comments, and messages. 

  3. Record your message: add comments to clients daily exercise and lifestyle Rx’s, provide insight to weekly or daily exercise intent, send personalized exercise feedback to clients’ submitted videos, and send direct video messages.

  4. Send to client:  When you click send the video is automatically attached to the workout our message you initiated the video creation form ensuring that communication remains in context and is as effective as possible. 

Incorporate the CacohRx Loom integration into your daily coaching routine by setting aside a few minutes each day for personalized video messages. Your clients will appreciate the effort, and you'll see the impact on their engagement and progress.

Ready to transform your coaching communication? Start your free trial with CoachRx today and take your client interactions to the next level!

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