Pro Tip: How To Drag Multiple Workouts

Streamline Your Coaching Workflow with Multi-Workout Drag-and-Drop.

Program Design Pro Tip: How To Drag Multiple Workouts

Maximizing efficiency in your coaching workflow is crucial, and we're excited to introduce a game-changing feature that will improve the way you schedule and organize your clients' workouts: Multi-Workout Drag-and-Drop!

As a company of coaches, we truly understand the importance of efficiency in your workflow. Every minute saved on administrative tasks is a minute you can spend building stronger relationships with your clients and helping them achieve their fitness goals. 

Program Design Pro Tip: Drag Multiple Workouts in the Client Calendar

Gone are the days of moving workouts one by one. With our new multi-workout drag-and-drop feature, you can select and rearrange multiple workouts simultaneously, making your planning process smoother and faster. This update is designed to free up more of your time, allowing you to focus on what truly matters—delivering top-notch coaching to your clients.

What does this mean for you? More time to dedicate to what you do best—coaching and connecting with your clients. By streamlining routine management, you can focus on providing personalized guidance, monitoring progress, and engaging with your clients on a deeper level. This not only enhances the quality of your coaching but also fosters stronger, more meaningful relationships with those you serve.

Here's How to Utilize This Feature:

  1. Open the Client Calendar: Navigate to your client's profile and open their calendar.

  2. Select Multiple Workouts: Click the checkbox in the top corner of each workout card or use the shortcut Ctrl+Click (Cmd+Click on Mac) to select multiple workouts.

  3. Drag and Drop: Once selected, locate the cross arrow on the first workout selected and drag the workouts to their new date or time slot. It's that simple!

Streamlining your scheduling not only saves you time but also enhances your ability to manage client progress effectively. With this new feature, reorganizing workout plans has never been easier or more efficient.

Take advantage of our multi-workout drag-and-drop today and see how much more you can accomplish with the extra time. Dive into a more streamlined coaching experience and keep your focus where it belongs: on your clients' success.

Start your free trial of CoachRx

Looking forward to seeing how this new feature enhances your coaching efficiency!


Pro Tip: Tailor Your Coaching with Custom Workout Visibility!