PRO TIP: Enhance Client Engagement With Custom Reports

Why Client Involvement is Key to Crafting a Successful Program.

Program Design Pro Tip: Enhance Client Engagement With Custom Reports

Empowerment lies at the heart of effective Coaching. Imagine the transformation when your clients actively participate in crafting their fitness journey. By involving them in the planning process, you not only ensure tailored programs but also ignite their motivation and ownership towards achieving their goals. This is where Custom Client Reports come in.

Program Design Pro Tip: Exporting Client Reports

CoachRx makes it easy to export your clients' workouts, lifestyle, structural balance, consultation, assessment, intake forms, short term plans, and long term plan data into a branded PDF document. 

Why using Custom Client Reports can Enhance your Services:

Why using Custom Client Reports can Enhance your Services:

  • Establishes Professionalism: Custom branded documents elevate the presentation and reflect on your commitment to professionalism and organization.

  • Streamlines Communication: Provides clients with a summary of all relevant information and sets clear expectations.

  • Builds Trust: Reinforces professional rapport and  establishes trust and confidence in your coaching services

  • Promotes Collaboration: Provides clients an update in a consolidated tactile view and allows them to review in a more focused manner ensuring your client’s are an active participant in their fitness journey.

  • Enhances Client Understanding: Educates clients along their journey providing deeper understanding allowing for more connection to the process and relationship. 

Steps to Use:

  • Step 1: Locate the Export Button-Wherever you can export data in CoachRx, keep an eye out for the export button or icon. For instance, in the fitness monitoring tab, simply click on the export structural balance button to get started.

  • Step 2: Choose Your Data-CoachRx offers a plethora of data options, from structural balance to consultation notes, intake forms, and short/long-term plans. Pick and choose the data elements you want to incorporate into the report.

  • Step 3: Set the Date Range-After clicking the export button, CoachRx will automatically identify the data you wish to export. However, it's crucial to specify the date range for the information you want to include in the report especially for exercise and lifestyle reports.. You have the flexibility to export everything or select specific data.

  • Step 4: Export Client Data-Once you've made your selections, hit the "Export client data" button. You can send the branded PDF report to multiple email addresses, ensuring your clients receive valuable insights customized with your brand.

  • Step 5: Review and Share-After exporting, check your email for the comprehensive report. Delve into the customized PDF, showcasing your brand alongside essential data such as the workout calendar, consultation notes, intake forms, and short/long-term plans.

The custom client report feature in CoachRx is a game-changer, allowing you to deliver unparalleled value and forge stronger connections with your clients. By following these steps, you can effortlessly create and export tailored reports, enriching the coaching experience for both you and your clients.

Enhance your coaching experience and strengthen your client relationships today and embrace the power of CoachRx!

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