PRO TIP: Elevate Client Success with Lifestyle Metrics

Beyond the Gym: Tracking Lifestyle with CoachRx

Program Design Pro Tip:

Elevate Client Success with Lifestyle Metrics

In fitness, we often zero in on exercise as the sole driver of health outcomes. However, to truly impact our clients' lives, we must broaden our approach beyond back squats and bicep curls. CoachRx gives you the tools needed for a paradigm shift, emphasizing the equal importance of lifestyle habits alongside traditional exercise metrics.

Tracking Lifestyle

Understanding the full spectrum of a client's lifestyle is pivotal. With CoachRx, coaches can create and assess bespoke lifestyle metrics, ensuring a well-rounded approach to health and wellness. This capability allows for a nuanced understanding of each client, enabling the creation of truly personalized wellness strategies.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Lifestyle Tracking

  1. First, create a lifestyle metric set in your CoachRx Index.

  2. Next, fill this group with the lifestyle pieces you’d like to assess. I like to use simple yes or no responses to things like daily movement (are they moving at least 30 min per day?), Sunshine (are they getting at least 15 minutes of sunshine per day?), Sleep (are they getting at least 7 hours of sleep nightly?), amongst others. 

  3. Finally, use this simple metric set as an assessment mechanism to build individualized lifestyle priorities and eventually prescriptions for your clients.

Leveraging CoachRx for lifestyle tracking not only enhances the coach-client relationship but also elevates the coaching practice. By prioritizing comprehensive wellness strategies, we can unlock our clients' full potential, guiding them towards lasting health transformations.

Embrace the power of lifestyle tracking with CoachRx and witness the profound impact on your clients' journey to optimal health.

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The Ultimate CoachRx Quick Start Guide for New Subscribers.