An intentional cooldown practice is essential for transitioning your clients from a sympathetic (fight or flight) state to a parasympathetic (rest and digest) state.

Program Design Pro Tip:

Cooldown Index

The Cooldown Index in CoachRx offers a practical solution to effortlessly integrate cooldowns into your clients’ training sessions. This feature allows you to build and store a variety of cooldown routines, tailored to different workout types and client needs.

Why Cooldown?

  1. Facilitates Recovery: Cooldowns help in reducing heart rate and breathing rate gradually, promoting more effective recovery.

  2. Promotes Relaxation: Cooldowns assist in calming the mind, easing the transition from intense activity to a state of rest and recovery.

Setting Up Your Cooldown Index:

  • Build Your Library: Add a series of cooldown routines to your Index, focusing on different training emphases. Include stretches, mobility exercises, breathing routines, and light aerobic options.

  • Integrate Videos: Link videos from our extensive Exercise Library to provide clear demonstrations for each cooldown exercise.

  • Customize for Client Needs: Assign these cooldown routines to clients, customizing as necessary based on their specific workout and recovery needs.

Leverage the Cooldown Index:

  • Save Time: No more creating cooldowns from scratch for each client. Select and assign routines from your pre-built Index.

  • Enhance Client Experience: Provide clients with a comprehensive and varied cooldown experience, emphasizing their recovery.

  • Boost Program Value: Show clients you care about every aspect of their training, from start to finish, increasing satisfaction and retention.

Ready to Elevate Your Coaching?

Invest a few minutes in setting up your Cooldown Index, and you’ll not only elevate your clients’ training experience but also save valuable program design time. Make cooldowns an integral and effortless part of your coaching with CoachRx.

Start your free trial of CoachRx and upgrade your programming flow with this tip today!


PRO TIP: Improve Your Workflow with Hotkeys
