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To achieve program design efficiency, alignment with your clients is paramount. Building a strong foundation begins with regular consultations and check-ins to gather context and ensure you're on the same page with their goals and progress. Whether you're an online coach, personal trainer, or in-person individual design coach, relationships are at the heart of coaching success. 

Program Design Pro Tip: Set a Consistent Consultation Cadence

In CoachRx, our consultation feature offers an excellent tool to implement and track these vital connection points effortlessly.   

1. Initial Consultation: Lay the Personalized Groundwork

During the initial consultation, seize the opportunity to ask pertinent questions and establish a strong coach-client relationship. Take detailed consult notes, which will always be accessible in your client's consultation tab, providing future reference points for seamless continuity. If you're an online coach, we recommend using Zoom for online consultations. 

2. Weekly Check-Ins: Stay in Sync

Assigning weekly check-ins keeps you closely connected to your clients' progress and feedback. You can personalize these check-ins from the Index, ensuring you receive the valuable insights needed for optimal program adjustments.  

3. Monthly Consultation: Nurture Progress and Plans

Leverage the monthly tab to create consultations and record comprehensive notes from your conversations. The app will remind both you and your client about the last consultation, fostering an organized and streamlined approach. Additionally, share your consultation link with clients, allowing them to schedule through the CoachRx client app easily.  

Bonus: Elevate Your Professionalism with Custom Client Reports

Impress your clients by exporting branded custom client reports, featuring the Intake Form, Consultation Notes, Assessment Data, Structural Balance Table, Long & Short Term Plans, Workouts, and Lifestyle. This premium offering sets you apart from other coaches, elevating your value proposition.
Two ways to implement this feature around consultations: 
1. Initial Onboarding: Connect and Inform
During onboarding, utilize custom reports to connect your client with the process. Offer insights into their assessment results, long-term training outlook, and their first cycle and priorities, building a strong client-coach rapport from the start.

2. Monthly Check-ins: Foster Connection and Progress
Send monthly consultation notes to maintain your clients' engagement with the plan. Celebrate wins, address challenges from the previous month, and set clear focus areas for the upcoming month, fostering continuous progress.

CoachRx is the ultimate fitness coaching software for online coaches, personal trainers, and individual design coaches. Start your free trial of CoachRx today and revolutionize your program design process with seamless consultations and enhanced client connection.