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Pro Tip: How To Use Your Archived List For Client Re-engagement.

Unlock the Potential of Your Archived Clients

Program Design Pro Tip: How To Use Your Archived List For Client Re-engagement.

With CoachRx, you can conveniently archive clients who are no longer receiving your coaching services at the moment. This feature allows you to store their data without it affecting your monthly pricing, ensuring you only pay for active clients. But have you ever wondered what to do with your archived client list? These past clients represent a goldmine of opportunity waiting to be tapped into. 

Pro Tip: Use your archived list for client re-engagement.

By revisiting your archived list, you can re-engage with former clients who already know the value of your coaching. With the right approach, you can turn them into active clients once again, driving growth for your business while reigniting their fitness journeys. Let's explore how to make the most of this valuable resource.

  • Review Regularly: Schedule a monthly or quarterly review of your archived client list. Look for clients who showed high engagement or made significant progress during their time with you. These clients are prime candidates for re-engagement.

  • Personalized Outreach: Reach out to former clients with personalized messages. Highlight their past achievements and express your enthusiasm for helping them reach new goals. Personal touches can make a big difference in rekindling interest.

  • Exclusive Offers: Create exclusive offers or discounts for archived clients to entice them back. Limited-time deals or special packages can motivate them to return to your coaching services.

  • Share Updates: Keep your archived clients informed about any new programs, tools, or services you’ve added since they last worked with you. Show them how these updates can benefit their fitness journey.

  • Feedback Request: Ask for feedback on why they stopped and what might bring them back. This information can help you improve your services and tailor your re-engagement efforts more effectively.

By leveraging your archived client list, you can efficiently reconnect with former clients, showcase the value of your coaching, and potentially increase your active client base. 

Take action today—reach out to your archived clients and watch your active client base grow as you reignite their passion for fitness. Start re-engaging now and unlock the full potential of your coaching business!

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