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PRO TIP: Picture-Systematize Client Accountability

As a coach, you understand the importance of individualizing your approach to each client's unique needs. With CoachRx, you can enhance accountability and ensure your clients are on track by leveraging client-specific settings in CoachRx. 

Program Design Pro Tip:

Systematize Client Accountability

Exercise Visibility: Control how far in advance your clients can view their exercises, keeping them focused on the present for those clients who need to focus on the here and now and allowing the client that is ‘the planner’ to see weeks in advance.

Touchpoint Goals: In CoachRx, we track touchpoints, or each time you send you directly communicate with your client through a direct message, comment, or consultation. You can set specific communication goals for your clients, ensuring regular, intentional, and meaningful interactions.

Coach Notifications: Customize notification settings to nudge you every time your client finished a training session, comments on a workout, updates a metric, and more! You can use notification settings as a way to stay in the loop of your client’s exercise and lifestyle behaviors or just a reminder to give your client that random fist bump 👊.

By personalizing these settings, you create a coaching environment that's not only supportive but also highly conducive to your client's success. Dive into your settings today and see how these small changes can make a big difference in your coaching efficacy.

Ready to Elevate Your Coaching?

Leverage the Lifestyle Rx and you’ll not only streamline macro tracking and nutrition compliance but improve client behaviors and results with this hassle-free way to manage your clients' macro goals.

Start your free trial of CoachRx and upgrade your programming flow with this tip today!