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Pro Tip: Supercharge Your Program Design with CoachRx

Tired of drowning in spreadsheets and sticky notes while designing client programs? Let's turn that program design headache into a breeze with CoachRx!

Why This Matters

Effective program design is the backbone of successful coaching, but it shouldn't eat up all your time. With CoachRx, you can create top-notch programs in a fraction of the time, leaving you more hours to actually coach (or maybe catch that yoga class you've been missing).

6 CoachRx Features That Will Supercharge Your Program Design

1. Program Design Calendar

What it does: Visualizes your client's entire program at a glance.

How to use it:

  • Access from your client list

  • Click any date to add/edit workouts

  • Use plan tags for quick exercise selection Pro tip: Color-code workouts for different training phases or focuses.

2. Copy and Paste Feature

What it does: Makes program progression a breeze.

How to use it:

  • Click the square in the top left corner

  • Select 'copy workouts'

  • Paste into a new day Pro tip: Use this to quickly create progressive overload by copying and slightly increasing weights or reps.

3. Multi-Day Drag Feature

What it does: Lets you reschedule multiple workouts at once.

How to use it:

  • Select multiple workouts

  • Click the cross arrow of the first workout

  • Drag to new dates Pro tip: Perfect for adjusting programs when a client goes on vacation or needs to shift their schedule.

4. RxBot

What it does: AI-powered assistant for program design optimization.

How to use it:

  • Input client data and goals

  • Let RxBot suggest program tweaks and exercise selections Pro tip: Use RxBot for fresh ideas when you're feeling stuck in a programming rut.

5. Program Templates

What it does: Provides pre-made program structures to build from.

How to use it:

  • Navigate to the 'Programs' tab

  • Select a template

  • Assign to client's calendar and customize Pro tip: Create your own templates for different client types to save even more time.

6. Hot-Keys

What it does: Speeds up navigation and command execution.

How to use it:

  • Learn common hot-keys for actions you perform frequently

  • Use them to navigate without touching your mouse Pro tip: Print out a hot-key cheat sheet and keep it by your desk until they become second nature.

Your Action Plan: Become a Program Design Pro

  1. This Week: Master the Program Design Calendar. Create one client's program using only this feature.

  2. Next Week: Experiment with Copy/Paste and Multi-Day Drag. Revamp an existing client's program using these tools.

  3. Week 3: Dive into RxBot and Program Templates. Design a program for a new client using both these features.

  4. Week 4: Learn 3-5 hot-keys that align with your most common actions.

Remember, the goal isn't to use every feature at once. Start with what feels most useful and gradually incorporate more as you get comfortable.

Ready to design programs like a pro?

Start your free trial of CoachRx