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PRO TIP: Prescribing Lifestyle Types To Improve Daily Habits

Why Client Involvement is Key to Crafting a Successful Program.

Program Design Pro Tip: Prescribing Lifestyle Types To Improve Daily Habits

If you have any experience in coaching, you understand the crucial role that activities beyond the gym play in determining your clients' progress. This is precisely why CoachRx ensures that customizing and delivering daily lifestyle programming is as straightforward as providing exercise programming.

Getting your clients to make lasting lifestyle changes could very well be the biggest challenge you face as a coach. But if you don’t support your clients to build healthy daily habits, exercise is just a bandaid, and seeing real results becomes even more challenging. Enter the CoachRx Lifestyle feature: a habit-based approach to behavior and nutrition that makes it simpler than ever for your clients.

Lifestyle Types

Coaches can find a range of predefined lifestyle types, including the OPEX basic lifestyle guidelines including (sleep, hydration, daily movement, and nutrition habits). While these existing options are readily available for you to prescribe, CoachRx also allows coaches to personalize and add new lifestyle types to further personalize client prescriptions. 

Customizing Lifestyle Types

Designing lifestyle programs for your clients should be as individualized as their exercise design. With the ability to create custom lifestyle types, you have the opportunity to create a greater impact in your clients fitness journey.

How To Customize Lifestyle Types:

  1. Navigate to your index tab and select lifestyle types

  2. Click add lifestyle type

  3. Name your lifestyle type, add corresponding prescriptions and you can even add personalized videos to educate your clients on the specific behavior

  4. Save lifestyle type

By adding nutrition and lifestyle coaching into your practice, you not only enhance the value of your service but also deeply influence your clients' lives. Healthy eating habits, stress management, and quality sleep are among the fundamental behaviors vital for supporting not only your client’s fitness goals, but to truly impact their overall health.

Don't settle for merely coaching your clients physically in the gym. Utilize CoachRx to distinguish yourself and provide a holistic training and lifestyle regimen that addresses your clients' needs both in and out of the gym, helping them create sustainable habits for life.

Integrate CoachRx lifestyle planning into your coaching arsenal today to witness firsthand the transformative impact of simplified, sustainable habit formation on your clients' fitness journey.

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