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In our ever-evolving quest to enhance your coaching prowess, we're excited to introduce an AI prompt that will empower you to provide highly personalized exercise recommendations for your clients. As coaches ourselves, we’ve architected specific prompts using proven OPEX principles, so you can leverage AI to streamline your program design with confidence.

Program Design Pro Tip:

Personalized Exercise Recommendations by AI

As a coach, you understand that tailoring exercise recommendations to your client's unique goals and abilities is key to their success. To make this process more efficient and precise, we've integrated AI into your coaching toolkit.

Take your client’s assessment data to get exercise recommendations from AI.

Steps to Use

  1. Access Assessment Data: 
    Start by accessing your client's OPEX Move assessment data. This rich source of information is invaluable for understanding their current fitness level.
  2. AI-Powered Prompt: 
    Paste the AI prompt into ChatGPT.
  3. Data Input: 
    Input your client's OPEX Move assessment results and any additional notes you have. This information paints a clear picture of their strengths and areas that need attention.
  4. AI-Generated Recommendations: 
    Let the AI work its magic. The AI-generated response will provide both general and specific exercise recommendations aligned with OPEX Fitness principles. These recommendations are based on the assessment results and your client's goals.
  5. Refine and Personalize: 
    Use the AI-generated response as a starting point for further personalization and decision-making.

The Prompt

Based on my client's goals [client goals] and their OPEX Move results [scratch test], [air squat], [toe touch], [lunge test], [straight leg raise test], [front plank/front leaning rest], [reverse plank], and [side planks], provide general and specific exercise recommendations in line with OPEX Fitness principles. Please base these suggestions on the assessment results and goals listed at the end of this prompt. 

Client Goals = [insert] 

OPEX Move Results  

Scratch Test = [insert] 

Air Squat = [insert] 

Toe Touch = [insert] 

Lunge Test = [insert] 

Straight Leg Raise Test = [insert] 

Front Plank/Front Leaning Rest = [insert] 

Reverse Plank = [insert] 

Side Plank = [insert] 

Each assessment result should align with the following goals: 

Scratch Test: Pass 

Air Squat: Pass 

Toe Touch: Pass 

Lunge Test: Pass 

Straight Leg Raise Test: Pass 

Front Plank/Front Leaning Rest: 1:00 

Reverse Plank: 1:00 

Side Plank: 1:30 per side

This AI prompt is your secret weapon for crafting exercise recommendations that are precisely tailored to your client's unique abilities and goals. Goodbye exercise selection procrastination!
Plus, don't forget to take advantage of our free trial of CoachRx to implement your AI-powered program design and elevate your coaching game to new heights.