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Are you tired of the same old meal plans and generic macro prescriptions that fail to make lasting change for your clients? We feel you! There's a more powerful approach, and it's right at your fingertips within CoachRx. It's called Lifestyle Rx, and it's a game-changer for delivering habit-based nutrition and lifestyle coaching.

Program Design Pro Tip:

Habit-Based Nutrition

Sure, meal plans and macro guidelines have their place, but let's be honest – they only take your clients so far. They often lack personalization, ignore individual preferences, and leave your clients in the dark about why they're doing what they're doing.

The Power of Lifestyle Rx

Lifestyle Rx turns the table. It's all about behavior change, education, and personalization. Instead of forcing your clients to follow generic plans, you're empowering them to make informed choices and build long-lasting, sustainable habits in the simplest way possible.

Education Over Dictation:

With Lifestyle Rx, you're not dictating what your clients should eat. You're teaching them why they should make specific choices. This shift is a game-changer because informed choices become lasting habits.


One size fits no one. Lifestyle Rx allows you to craft truly individualized lifestyle and nutrition prescriptions. Whether your clients are nutrition novices or experts, or somewhere in between, you can cater to their unique preferences and knowledge level.

Behavior Change is King:

 Sustainable results come from behavior change, not rigid plans. Lifestyle Rx supports your clients in transforming their daily habits, leading to lasting improvements in their health and fitness.

Client Engagement:

Clients are more engaged when they understand the 'why' behind your recommendations. Lifestyle Rx fosters client engagement because they're not just following orders; they're actively participating in shaping their health journey.

How to Deliver Personalized Lifestyle & Nutrition Rx

  1. Ensure you have the lifestyle type set in your Index 
  2. Click the lifestyle icon (the broccoli) in the sidebar from the client’s calendar 
  3. Click Add Plan Create the start date and length of plan in weeks. 
  4. Add the prescription, type, description, and notification preference. Repeat if there are multiple prescriptions. 
    Save Rx

For example: After discussing the importance of including protein at every meal, you create a 4-week Lifestyle Rx to help your client include a protein source in their breakfast every day. 

  • Type: Nutrition

  • Prescription: Protein

  • Description: Include a protein source with your breakfast from the list I sent you after our last consultation. Note what protein you ate today. 

  • Days: Monday-Sunday

  • Notification Time: 8 AM

Ready to Elevate Your Coaching?

Empower your clients with knowledge, create lasting behavior change, and redefine what's possible with your coaching. Lifestyle Rx is your ticket to success. Start your free trial of CoachRx and upgrade your programming flow with this tip today!