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AI Fitness Coaching: Threat or Opportunity? A CMO's Perspective

In an exclusive interview, Kandace Dickson, CMO of CoachRx, shares insights on the integration of AI in fitness coaching. From addressing common concerns to highlighting the potential benefits, Dickson offers a comprehensive look at how AI is shaping the future of the industry.

Q: Why do you think some coaches are resisting AI?

A: Resistance often stems from misconceptions and fear of the unknown. Many coaches worry that AI might make their roles obsolete or diminish the value of their expertise. There's also concern about the learning curve associated with new technology. Most coaches pride themselves on their personal touch or style and worry that AI might make their services feel impersonal or that AI won't be able to do things the way they prefer.

Q: What are the barriers to entry for coaches looking to adopt AI?

A: The main barriers are a lack of understanding about AI's capabilities and limitations, fear of technology, or feeling overwhelmed by it. This leads to concerns about the initial time investment to learn and implement AI tools into their coaching practice. There are some cost considerations, especially for smaller coaching practices, but this is minor and decreasing as AI tools become more accessible.

Q: How can coaches overcome the fear that AI might replace them rather than enhance their coaching?

A: Clear and simple education that helps coaches better connect to the value AI provides is key. We emphasize that AI is a tool to enhance, not replace, human coaches. We encourage coaches to view AI as a powerful assistant that can handle repetitive and/or data-heavy tasks, freeing them up to focus on what they do best – building strong client relationships, better connecting clients to the program for consistency and results, providing personalized guidance, support … the human touch that no AI can replicate.

We also showcase real-world examples of coaches successfully integrating AI into their practices, demonstrating how it amplifies their capabilities rather than replacing them. For example, you can view a sampling of RxBot use cases and client scenarios on our blog, each walks through the coach-provided inputs, the program designed by RxBot, the coach's reaction, and any adjustments made before assigning that workout to their client.

Lastly, we encourage coaches to just start using AI, playing for just a few minutes can also quickly demonstrate the value and help a coach identify areas they can leverage AI within their coaching workflow. Since RxBot is built right into the client calendar, coaches can access and explore AI- powered program design with a simple click inside their free trial. We even set up a few client profiles with “dummy data” to make testing RxBot possible without setting up a client profile. 

Lastly, we encourage coaches to just start using AI. Even playing with it for just a few minutes can quickly demonstrate its value and help a coach identify areas where they can leverage AI within their coaching workflow. Since RxBot is built right into the client calendar in CoachRx, coaches can access and explore AI-powered program design with a simple click inside their free trial. We've even set up a few client profiles with "dummy data" to make testing RxBot possible without setting up a client profile. This hands-on experience is often the most effective way to overcome fears and see the potential of AI in coaching.

Q: How can AI tools like RxBot specifically help coaches save time on program design and other repetitive tasks?

A: RxBot, the AI Coaching Assistant inside CoachRx, is designed to streamline many aspects of coaching. For program design, RxBot can quickly generate personalized workout plans based on a client's data, goals, fitness level, and preferences. It will also suggest exercise selection based on available equipment and individual client assessment, manage progressions and periodization, and even adjust programs based on client logging, feedback, and progress data.

Beyond program design, RxBot can assist with tasks like drafting client communication, analyzing progress data, and serving as a knowledge base for coaches to ask questions, dig deeper, and understand the why behind program design decisions. And this is just the beginning, we plan to expand RxBot;s utility across the platform. 

Q: What other benefits can AI offer trainers/coaches?

A: AI offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Enhanced personalization through processing vast amounts of data

  • Improved client adherence with automated reminders

  • Better progress tracking and early identification of potential issues

  • Support for business growth and marketing efforts

  • Continuous learning resources for coaches

AI can alleviate time management struggles, difficulties in scaling business, client communication challenges, and deliver effective program design efficiently.

Q: How does adopting AI impact a coach's ability to stay relevant and competitive?

A: Adopting AI is becoming crucial for staying competitive as a fitness coach. Coaches who leverage AI can offer more sophisticated, data-driven services, often at a more competitive price point. They can handle larger client loads without sacrificing quality and provide insights and personalization that would be challenging to achieve manually.

Q: How can coaches integrate AI into their client communication without losing the personal touch?

A: The key is to use AI as an assistant, not a replacement for personal communication. Coaches should focus on increasing their AI literacy and understanding how to craft inputs that enable AI to emulate their coaching style, voice, and manner. It's important to review and edit all AI-provided assistance to ensure quality control and stylistic considerations. Coaches can also be transparent about AI use and emphasize how they are using it to enhance the coaching experience and provide more value.

Q: What steps would you recommend for coaches who are new to AI but want to start incorporating it into their practice?

A: I'd recommend the following steps:

  1. Start with education: Take advantage of resources on our AI Coaching Hub.

  2. Begin with one aspect of your business: Choose one area, like program design or client check-ins, to start implementing AI.

  3. Use pre-built solutions: Platforms like CoachRx offer AI tools designed specifically for fitness coaches.

  4. Experiment and iterate: Try different approaches and gather feedback from your clients.

  5. Stay updated: Regularly revisit the AI Coaching Hub for the latest insights and tips.

  6. Network with other AI-adopting coaches: Share experiences and best practices.

Remember, the goal is to enhance, not replace, your unique coaching skills. AI should empower you to be an even better coach, not change who you are as a coach.

For more information and resources on AI in fitness coaching, visit our AI Coaching Hub.

Get Started With AI

If you're looking to overcome AI resistance and avoid common mistakes when implementing AI into your coaching practice, we have the perfect resource for you.

Introducing our FREE 6-day mini-course: "The 6 Most Common Mistakes Coaches Make Using (or Not Using) AI, Plus How To Fix Them!"

In this course, you'll discover:

  • Why resisting AI could be stunting your coaching growth

  • How to blend AI efficiency with your unique human touch

  • The secret to using AI for tailored nutrition and lifestyle guidance

  • And much more!

This mini-course is the ideal starting point for fitness coaches and personal trainers new to the topic of AI coaching. Through a series of brief, informative emails, you'll gain valuable insights that can transform your coaching practice.

Don't let fear or uncertainty hold you back from the future of fitness coaching. Take the first step towards AI-enhanced coaching today!

Get Instant Access to the Free Mini-Course

Remember, embracing AI doesn't mean losing your personal touch – it means amplifying your coaching superpowers. Join us on this exciting journey into the future of fitness coaching!

Ready to Embrace AI In Your Coaching Practice?

Start your 14-day free trial of CoachRx today and experience how RxBot can help you navigate the world of AI in fitness coaching. With CoachRx, you'll have access to:

  • User-friendly AI tools designed specifically for fitness coaches

  • Comprehensive training resources to help you get started

  • Strong data protection measures to keep your clients' information safe

  • A supportive community of coaches embracing AI in their practices

Don't let these challenges hold you back from the benefits AI can bring to your coaching. Try CoachRx and RxBot today, and take the first step towards a more efficient, effective, and tech-savvy coaching practice!


Remember, the future of fitness coaching is here. By addressing these challenges head-on, you're not just keeping up with the industry – you're positioning yourself as a leader in innovative, client-focused coaching.

Access Our Coaching Prompt Database

At CoachRx, we're committed to providing you with the tools you need to excel in your coaching career. By regularly updating our Prompt Database, we ensure you're always equipped with the latest strategies and techniques for professional development.

Ready to revolutionize your coaching practice? Access the CoachRx AI Guide & Prompt Database today and start implementing these powerful new prompts!

Access the Prompt Database

And if you're ready to take your AI-assisted coaching to the next level, why not give RxBot a try? Start your free trial of CoachRx and experience the future of fitness coaching!

Remember, in the world of coaching, those who continuously develop themselves lead the way. Elevate your career with CoachRx!